...in time for the presidential election.
in the face of overwhelming evidence, the american family association impressively fails to see that they were wrong in their presumption:
Buddy Smith: "It just so happens that homosexual activist groups around the country got a hold of the poll -- it was forwarded to them -- and they decided to have a little fun, and turn their organizations around the country (on to) the poll to try to cause it to represent something other than what we wanted it to.”
there’s not much i can add to that, jackass.
i'm not denying the possibility that gay groups got as many people as possible to get on there and swing things our way. but at the same time, i'm almost certain that anti-gay groups did the same thing. in fact, it was an anti-gay group that started the whole poll in the first place and put it on their website. so when it blew up in their faces and things didn't turn out the way they wanted, they cried foul rather than learn from it.
the stupidity is terrifying, folks.